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Northern Lights


Goll Sheear & Lossan y Twoaie.

The Isle of Man is home to 26 Dark Sky Sites. These fantastic locations boast extremely low light pollution and enables visitors the opportunity to view spectacles such as the Milky Way galaxy and identify constellations with the naked eye. 

On occasion, when skies are particularly clear and there is a strong solar flare, it is possible to see the Aurora Borealis (otherwise known as The Northern Lights) from the Isle of Man. Sightings are often from the Northern and North-Westerly coastlines. The Aurora is visible to the naked eye, with more vivid colours taken by long-exposure photographs on camera.


Isle of Man is a true paradise for stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts. Located in the middle of the Irish Sea, the island offers some of the darkest skies in Europe, perfect for viewing the northern lights in all its glory.We invite you to join us and experience the beauty of the night sky. Come and explore the stars, constellations and galaxies in our dark sky preserve; you won’t be disappointed.

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